Thursday, April 14, 2011

Summary 11: Act 5, Scene 1, 2, and 3

Summary - Romeo has a dream that Juliet kisses him and he is awakened. Then his servant brings him news of Juliet's death and burial. So he has him return home and get ready to go to the graveyard. So he goes to a poor pharmacist and buy poison which is illegal to sell and give the man lots of gold so that he may live wealthy. Then Romeo heads toward Verona. Friar Lawrence is at his cell when Friar John arrives and tells him of bad news that he had been stuck in a house because there was an illness and they didn't want it to spread so he was stuck there. Also that no one would deliver the letter because they were scared of getting the illness. So John handed the letter back to Friar. So Friar decided he would have to save Juliet himself and inform Romeo with the plan later. Paris and his Page are at the grave and Paris has the Page put the torch out and be on lookout for anyone who may come. If he is to see someone he is to whistle as a signal to Paris. So Paris hears a whistle and goes and hides in the dark as not to be seen. Then he sees Romeo and his servant talking. Romeo is telling his servant to deliver a letter to his father and to leave right away and not come back for if he does he will kill him. So he leaves, but stay's in the cemetery and falls asleep. Then Paris comes out of the darkness to attack Romeo because he thinks he is going to mess with Juliet and Tybalt's bodies. So the get in a sword fight and Romeo wins and Paris dies and the Page goes for help. So Romeo opens the coffin put Paris inside then he gets inside drinks the poison and dies. The Friar goes inside and sees Romeo's servant and asks where is Romeo and he tells him up at the tomb by the Friar gets there Juliet is waking up and the Friar sees the two dead bodies and tells Juliet to come with him and become a nun, but she said no and told him to leave so he did. Then she took Romeo's dagger and stabbed herself and died. When the police arrived they arrested Friar and Romeo's Servant. Then when the Prince and both families had arrived the Friar told the story. Then the families made peace and they promised each other they would make gold statues for each other. Then there was a very sad day for the loss of all three of them Romeo, Juliet, and Paris. 

My Part - All three of them dead and the emotions being shown by everyone.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Summary 10: Act 4, Scene 1,2,3,4, and 5

Summary -
Paris goes and talks to Friar to set up the wedding and Juliet walks in and and says for Paris to leave so she can have Reconciliation. So he leaves and she asks the Friar what she can do to get out of this wedding and they make a plan. Friar gives Juliet a vial that makes you appear dead even though she is alive. Then after she's been buried Romeo will come and get her before she wakes up and her and Romeo leave and live together forever. She goes home and says she is ready to Marry and her father says good and changes the wedding to the next day. So she has the Nurse come up with her to pick out her outfit. The Lady Capulet starts complaining about not having enough time to Capulet, but he says he will stay up all night and have it done and for her to go help her her daughter get ready and pick her clothes. Her mother enters her room and Juliet tells her that she has already picked out her best clothes. Also that she wanted some alone time to pray and think. So the Nurse and mom leave and she starts worrying about the vial if it doesn't work or if it's poison and kills her. Then she starts worrying if she wakes up early and suffocate from lack of air and dies. Then she drinks it. The wedding is getting set up and making sure they have enough materials to pull it off. The Nurse goes to wake up Juliet, but she will not wake up. So she calls for Lady Capulet. She sees Juliet is dead and both of them cry and they tell Capulet and Paris and they are sad. They talk sad stuff the and the preacher comes over and tells them to stop crying and get ready for the funeral. Peter goes to the musician's and hassels them about being poor and has them play him a song. 

My Part - 
Get her talking to Paris Then her being worried about the vial and then her dead.